Each Screen Print job will follow these steps:
You place an order in your Amplifier account.
Please remember that each job may result in a defect rate of 5% so order extras for each SKU if you have exact numbers that you need to hit for a specific, one-time campaign. You will only be charged for delivered shirts.
Please also know that you stipulate that you have the right to print the art that you submit to Amplifier. Per the Amplifier Terms, you accept all liability with respect to the rights to such intellectual property.
You receive a Sales Order that you review and approve.
Amplifier invoices the job according to the specifications and quantities in the approved Sales Order.
You pay Amplifier, and then the job begins.
A proof will be provided for your review prior to production for new designs. If you would like, Amplifier can also schedule a Press Check so you can see the first shirt off the press.
If you’re in Austin, you can come to the shop.
If you’re not, Amplifier Client Service will email you photos so you can provide feedback before the run.
Amplifier completes Production and any Finishing Services.
Amplifier receives the t-shirts into your inventory and issues any credits due for defective t-shirts not delivered.