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What do these different numbers for my Inventory Mean?
What do these different numbers for my Inventory Mean?
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Written by Amplifier
Updated over a week ago

Amplifier provides a comprehensive picture of your inventory. Because Amplifier integrates order data AND inbound inventory data (via Bulk Orders and ASNs) we provide you unique inventory insights beyond telling you how many units of a SKU are in our warehouse at a given moment.

We present these insights in your Items view.


Quantity Available tells you exactly how many units are currently sellable. For most Clients, Quantity Available is really the most important of all Inventory values because, as its name suggests, it's really what you have left to sell. It is calculated by subtracting the Quantity Committed from the Quantity On Hand. The Safety Stock setting for an item is also taken into account.


Quantity On Hand tells you the number of actual units which are physically in Amplifier's warehouse. This is a useful number (e.g. when we are performing a physical audit) but since this number does not factors units have already been claimed by orders but not yet shipped, it's less important than Available.


New Orders continually flow into Amplifier's API. The Items in each new Order "commit" one or more units of your Available Inventory to someone. In so doing, they lower the remaining units that are Available. Ordered Items move from Available to Committed to denote their unavailability. This is done to keep subsequent Orders from mistakenly claiming an Item that has already sold to another customer (a.k.a. the dreaded "backorders".)


When you Create an ASN, you are telling Amplifier than some amount of additional Inventory will soon be added to your supply. The number of units that you've told us is inbound is displayed as EXPECTED. Additionally, if you've ordered Bulk Inventory from Amplifier (e.g. Screen Printing of T-Shirts) then we will display the number of units you ordered as EXPECTED.

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