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What fields are required in Order Data?
What fields are required in Order Data?
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Written by Amplifier
Updated over 5 months ago

When importing orders, you will use a properly formatted CSV. This CSV contains the following fields. Many are required, some are not.

The following values are required:ย 

  • OrderID - This must be unique to all orders under the selected order source.

  • OrderDate - All standard date formats are accepted.

  • BillingName

  • BillingAddress1

  • BillingCity

  • BillingState - This must be the corresponding two-character abbreviation for United States and Canadian addresses.

  • BillingPostalCode

  • BillingCountryCode - Use the corresponding ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code two-character abbreviation.

  • BillingPhone

  • BillingEmail

  • ShippingName

  • ShippingAddress1

  • ShippingCity

  • ShippingState - This must be the corresponding two-character abbreviation for United States and Canadian addresses.

  • ShippingPostalCode

  • ShippingCountryCode - Use the corresponding ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code two-character abbreviation.

  • ShippingPhone

  • ShippingEmail

  • ShippingMethod - This must match our supported shipping method names exactly.

  • SKU - An exact character match been the SKU in your order source and in Amplifier is required. Please note that the match is case sensitive.

  • Description - This should correspond with your item description and must be between 1 and 255 characters.

  • Quantity - This should equal the quantity of the item you would like shipped.

Though the other fields are not required, it is recommended that you provide all applicable data, particularly related to the item cost, under UnitPrice. If provided, UnitPrice will determine the declared value for all international shipments for the purposes of customs declaration. If not provided, the item's configured price will be used instead. In short, the UnitPrice will determine how taxes are applied by the destination country's customs office, so make sure that is accurate if it differs from your configured item price. The following values are not required:

  • BillingFirstName

  • BillingLastName

  • BillingCompanyName

  • BillingAddress2

  • BillingAddress3

  • ShippingFirstName

  • ShippingLastName

  • ShippingAddress2

  • ShippingAddress3

  • AllowPartialShipment - The value should be either "Y" or "N", for yes or no. This will allow for the fulfillment of in stock items in the event that an order includes at least one out of stock item.

  • PackingSlipMessage - This will be printed on your packing slip and must be less than 255 characters.

  • CurrencyCode - Use the corresponding ISO 4217 three-character code. If left blank, USD will be used.

  • TotalAmount

  • SubtotalAmount

  • DiscountAmount

  • TaxAmount

  • ShippingAmount

  • LineItemReferenceId

  • UnitPrice

  • HoldUntilDate

For orders containing multiple items, the related customer information must be included on the adjacent lines. As a final step, it is also worth sorting by OrderID, as our system will ignore any non-adjacent items as a duplicate order.

It is incredibly important that your data be accurate. You are responsible for the accuracy of your data.

Once orders are successfully imported, there is no guarantee that we will be able to stop fulfillment in the event of an error in your order data. As such, take the time to thoroughly review your .csv file before attempting to import. In the event of one or more orders failing import, just click the flag in the "FAILED" column on the Import Status page. You will be provided feedback for any values that failed validation. Click the "Download Failed Orders" button at the bottom of the Import Failures summary to download the consolidated list or failed orders. Just correct the issues and attempt import again as needed.

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