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Accounts and Fees Policy
Accounts and Fees Policy
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Written by Amplifier
Updated over 4 years ago

Accounts Policy

This Accounts Policy (“Policy”) is incorporated into the Amplifier terms of service as published on the Amplifier website (“Terms”). The Terms shall control in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Policy and the Terms. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Policy will have the meaning given them in the Terms. Per this Policy and the Terms, Amplifier may terminate your account or place your account on hold.

Please review all related support documentation at

1. Account Plans and the Monthly Fee. Amplifier offers different account plans. Clients may choose the account plan that fits their needs, and requesting certain Services will automatically trigger particular account plans, per the Pricing Page.

2. Account Settings and Multiple Accounts. You may have more than one Account with Amplifier. Monthly fees, usage fees, and volume discounts apply individually to each account.

3. Good Standing. Accounts in “Good Standing” are not in breach of the Terms, have an Account balance equal to or greater than the Minimum set by Amplifier, and do not have an amount overdue. Accounts in Good Standing can (i.) access their account reports and balance by logging into their Account and can also (ii.) select, authorize, and order Services through their Account.

4. Held Accounts. You acknowledge that Amplifier shall suspend activity for Held Accounts, which may be inaccessible to clients during the hold. If you operate more than one account with Amplifier, Amplifier may place any or all of your accounts on hold if one of your accounts is on hold. Amplifier reserves the right to place an Account on hold (such an account a “Held Account”) for reasons including, but not limited to:

  • poor payment history, an Account Balance below the Minimum, or insufficient funds;

  • suspicious activity;

  • using abusive language or otherwise threatening Amplifier or its staff;

  • time to examine or resolve an unauthorized transaction, complaint, or dispute;

  • extraordinary support requests.

5. Closing an Account. At any time, you may close your Account by contacting Amplifier Client Service and following instructions. You must outship or dispose of all of your inventory to stop being billed for storage, SKU Support, and any applicable monthly fees. These Services may be requested through your Account, provided you must have an Account balance sufficient for the Services.

Removal and disposal requests are handled on a case-by-case basis and can take a month or more to process. Amplifier further reserves the right to refuse offboarding or outship projects during Q4.

In addition: 

  • Returns Handling and Customer-support Service will cease upon the closing of your account. If you have terminated your account or initiated the closing of your account, the suspension of Returns Handling and Customer-support Service may cease upon your termination or account closing.

  • You may access your account for 10 days after you close that account, after which time you will no longer be able to access your account. 

  • After closing your account, you will remain liable for any obligation related to your account. 

  • Amplifier may keep your minimum balance for 90 days to cover charges related to lingering returns or other services.

  • Please also see the Item Eligibility Policy. Amplifier reserves the right to deny removal or disposal requests for any inventory identified as counterfeit.

  • Amplifier will not support Inventory Liquidation under which Amplifier helps sell your inventory and remits a portion of these sales proceeds to you.

  • If you would like Amplifier to help dispose of your inventory, Amplifier will only dispose of inventory by SKU, i.e. disposing of all units of a particular SKU, and you will not be able to specify the manner in which Amplifier undertakes this disposal.

Fees Policy

This Fees Policy (“Policy”) is incorporated into the Amplifier terms of service as published on the Amplifier website (“Terms”). The Terms shall control in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Policy and the Terms. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Policy will have the meaning given them in the Terms.

1. Fees. You agree to pay the usage and monthly fees set forth in the Pricing Page and via orders placed at or in communication with Amplifier Client Service and other personnel. Requesting certain Services will automatically trigger particular account plans, per the Pricing Page.

By using our Services, you acknowledge and agree that our monthly fees are based on Services purchase rather than actual usage; that our monthly subscription fees cannot be cancelled once charged and all subscription fees paid are non-refundable; and that all payments to subscription services must be paid in full, in advance. You further acknowledge and agree that during the term of any subscription, the subscription fee cannot be reduced, by, for example, reducing the amount of Service usage.

2. Estimates. As stated in the Terms, Amplifier will from time to time and based on information available at the time provide estimates of shipping charges, production costs, special-project fees, and the like. Upon completion of work or a project, the final actual costs will be known and billed.

3. Taxes. You agree to pay all transaction-related taxes, where applicable, charged by Amplifier to you. In addition, if you are engaged in business in Texas, you must have a Texas resale certificate on file with Amplifier.

4. Prompt Review and Disputes. You are urged to review all Amplifier fees on an ongoing and frequent basis so that Amplifier can work with you in a timely manner should a discrepancy or disagreement as to a charge arise. If you disagree with any Usage Fees, you must submit a written dispute notice to Amplifier within 60 days of the fee being assessed. Amplifier has no obligation to review dispute notices after this 60-day period. All non-disputed amounts must be paid on time.

5. Minimum Balance. Amplifier requires clients to keep a minimum balance in their account. Amplifier sets the minimum balance based on a number of factors. Amplifier may increase or decrease the minimum balance based on its reasonable judgment about the risk associated with any given Account. Factors that may cause Amplifier to increase the minimum balance or alter its service levels for an Account include but are not limited to:

  • client ceases a substantial portion of or its business or adversely alter its business/operations;

  • insolvent or bankruptcy of a client;

  • a disproportionate number of customer complaints, reversals, chargebacks, claims, fees, fines, penalties or other liability related to an Account; or

  • We reasonably believe that a client will be unable to perform its obligations under the Terms.

Amplifier may immediately increase the minimum balance and if we reasonably believe that it is warranted under this section. We will notify clients of such changes, and clients may close an Account if they object to the changes. Amplifier reserves the right to hold the minimum balance for up to 90 days after an Account is closed.

6. Insufficient Funds. You must maintain sufficient funds in your Account to cover any pending monthly, shipping, or production fees. Amplifier will attempt to utilize the credit card, PayPal, or other payment method on file for an Account to charge payment as needed to cover such fees and the minimum balance. If Amplifier is unable to secure such payment, your Account may be put On Hold.

7. Invoicing. Subject to credit requirements set by Amplifier, Amplifier may agree to allow you to pay amounts due hereunder in arrears. In such event, you will make all of the payments due hereunder within 15 days of the date the invoice was sent to you. If you are overdue on a payment, then Amplifier may (i.) remove credit terms for you and require prepayments and a minimum balance per this Policy, (ii.) place the account on hold, (iii.) assess a late fee of the lesser of 1% per month or the maximum amount allowable by law, and (iv.) attempt to receive payment from you via credit card, PayPal, or other payment method on file.

8. Policy Violation Expenses. If you violate the Amplifier Item Eligibility Policy and we incur costs as a result of your violation, you agree that we can recover those costs from you.

9. Customs Duties. Amplifier is not and will not ever be the “Merchant of Record” for any of your inventory or receiving events. Amplifier will not pay any Customs Duties or Taxes due related to your inventory.

10. Prepaid Services. Certain services require prepayment, e.g. Screen Printing per a sales order and Crowdfunding Fulfillment (or other one-time campaigns) per an estimate prepared using actual order data that you submit.

11. Rate Adjustments. If local, state, federal, or other regulatory bodies change laws, rules, or regulations in a manner that increases Amplifier costs, Amplifier may alter its rates in response, even for Clients with special pricing in Modification Agreements. Amplifier may also alter its rates, even for Clients with special pricing in Modification Agreements, in response to CPI inflation in the United States, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, that exceeds 3 percent.

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