For those with large product catalogs, Amplifier recommends you Import Items.
To use Import Items, your Items must be uploaded in a properly-formatted CSV file. (Our CSV template is here.) We currently support 29 different Item Attributes. Certain fields are required, such as SKU. Other fields are optional, such as UPC. Here's what a CSV might look like for a single T-Shirt Design called "The Amplifier Tee." Note that though it's a single design, it sells in six sizes. That means that each size is it's own SKU (and will have it's own Inventory values.)
Once your CSV file is complete, you can Import your Items to Amplifier.
Amplifier verifies your CSV file. Our Import Status page will show you how many ITEMS were successfully imported. If Amplifier found errors in your data, you will be notified.
Amplifier needs information about every SKU we will be handling. When you have finished Adding Items, you can see your new live SKUs inside of the Main Items page. In this view, Amplifier summarizes the most important information in columns that can be sorted by clicking the Column Header (e.g. "SKU" or "QTY AVAILABLE")
In the example above, Amplifier shows 6 new Items available in your catalog