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How do I import Orders?
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Written by Amplifier
Updated over a week ago

Amplifier also allows you to Import Orders. This tool is essential for many Clients.Importing Orders is a very useful tool, and is especially important for those who have successfully crowdfunded using platforms like Indiegogo or Kickstarter.

To Import Orders:

  1. Navigate to the Orders page.

  2. Click the "Import" button in the upper right region of the page.

  3. Click the "Choose File" button and select the .csv file you would like to import.

  4. Select the order source in the menu under "Where did these orders come from?"

  5. Click the "Import" button.

  6. Click the import "Status" under the "Import" button drop-down.

  7. Confirm that your orders were successfully imported by reviewing the "Successful" column on the Status page.

Import Screen

CSV File

To upload Orders to Amplifier, you must send them as a properly formatted CSV file. (Sample shown below.) 

CSV Fields, Requirements and Descriptions

Please review the CSV Variables, their types and whether they are required or not here:

Unit Prices

Though not all fields are required, we recommend that you provide all applicable data, particularly related to the item cost, under UnitPrice.

  • If provided, UnitPrice will determine the declared value for all international shipments for the purposes of customs declaration.

  • If not provided, the item's configured price will be set to $1, and the import will not fail because you left this field empty.

  • UnitPrice will determine how taxes are applied by the destination country's customs office, so make sure that is accurate and complete in your order data. 

Orders With Multiple Line Items

  • For orders containing multiple items, the related customer information must be included on the adjacent lines.

  • As a final step, it is also worth sorting by OrderID, as our system will ignore any non-adjacent items as a duplicate order.

It is incredibly important that your data be accurate.

 You are responsible for the accuracy of your data.

  • Please validate your import.

    • Did it import the right number of orders?

    • On review, do your orders look accurate and complete?

  • Once orders are successfully imported, there is no guarantee that we will be able to stop fulfillment in the event of an error in your order data.

  • As such, take the time to thoroughly review your .csv file before attempting to import.

Failed Imports

If your CSV file contains formatting errors, Amplifier will let you know exactly what failed and why in the Import Status screen. Understanding the required values will keep those failures to a minimum.

If one or more orders fail import, just click the  flag in the "FAILED" column on the Import Status page.

  • You will be provided feedback for any values that failed validation.

  • Click the "Download Failed Orders" button at the bottom of the Import Failures summary to download the consolidated list or failed orders.

  • Just correct the issues and attempt import again as needed.

Regarding Amplifier Client Service and Imports

If you have questions or encounter issues, you may contact Amplifier at

  • Amplifier does not handle CSV imports for clients because clients need to own this validation step, having full access to their original order source and the generation of this data.​

  • Clients have successfully imported order data thousands of times. The largest import included over 37,000 shipments and had to be imported in five pieces given file-size limits.

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